Firas J.Ershead, Palestinian filmmaker, and programmer born in 1977 in Algeria, and raised in Amman/Jordan.
Running Ai Production & Creative Coding Unit, Dubai-based production & design houses, with over 20 years of experience, specializing in creating data visualization. Technical Director on multiple animated series projects.
Has won multiple international awards in broadcast identity creation & corporate documentaries.
Has won multiple international awards in broadcast identity creation & corporate documentaries.
Ai Production Fz LLC, co-founder since 2012
CreativeCodingUnit, the founder since 2018
CreativeCodingUnit, the founder since 2018
Personal email: firasershead@gmail.com
Awards & Achievements
Winner of the Promax/BDA Arabia 2009 – Gold award – “Best Program Packaging”.
Winner of the Promax/BDA 2010 Design – Gold – Global Excellence Awards.
Winner of the Promax/BDA 2010 Design – Gold – Arab Awards.
2012 Finalist certificate in the category of Industrial Productions at New York Festivals.
2015 YOUTUBE #1 views in MENA: Danyah Cartoon (Technical Director)
Behance Featured projects (behance.com/firas3d) :
2011 Behance Featured Project: Call To Prayer
2012 at MotionServed Projects: Kuwait TV
2012 at Character Design Served: Characters Design
2015 MotionServed Projects: Al Rayyan TV
2018 at MotionServed Projects: Ramadan Ident